Online life and wellness coaching

Discover Yourself

Gain clarity, confidence, and overcome obstacles to unlock your full potential.

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Lily keeps you accountable

How can AI Life Coaching help you?

Learn to navigate the challenges of life. Accelerate further by better defining your goals.

Building Resilience

Bounce back quickly from setbacks and adapt to new challenges with confidence.

Work-life balance

Avoid burnout and enhance your quality of life by balancing your personal and professional responsibilities.

Finding purpose

Align your actions with your core values and goals.

Managing stress

Take control of your life. Learn to stay ahead of your stressors.

high quality

Unlock Your Mind

Untangle your thoughts and get a clear vision forward.

Product screenshot
Personalized Coaching
Unlock your potential with personalized coaching from Lily
Daily Milestones Management
Achieve more every day with our intuitive milestone tracker
Daily Journaling (Coming Soon)
Reflect and grow with our daily journaling feature

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Unlock your journey to success

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Frequently asked questions

Why should I this over IRL coaching?
Better than spending $200/session. Our AI coaching is more accessible while having a similar impact as talking to a real-life coach. Note that this app is not a replacement, but only compliments coaching from IRL professionals!
Why is there no free-plan?
To minimize abuse and cover on-going costs. We use the best technologies to provide unmatched value for our users.
What can I use this for?
Anything really! To journal everyday, for weekly check-ins, to cope with troubling circumstances, combat loneliness, etc.
What if I don't like it?
No worries! Shoot us a message with feedback and we'll be happy to help you out!
Is my data private?
Yes! We keep your data private in our servers and use AES-256 encryption during all data transmission!